It's been a while since I've been on here. It's been so crazy around here the last month. Hubby is working most Saturdays now so it seems we don't even get a weekend to recoup lol. Having a 2 bird household is finally getting some routine. Gizmo has settled in pretty well and Lacey is trying her best to be his friend. For the most part he tolerates her when he's mellow, but when he's wound up or very hyper all bets are off. I never leave them alone, I know that I will never be able to. Having 2 birds is a plus in that if one is eating something that the other one previously hasn't, it looks a whole lot more interesting when someone else wants it lol. I have been giving Gizmo popsicle foot toys. Lacey never once used to look at anything wood. NOW she has to have them! I am surprised how strong that little beak is to split a stick. My hubby didn't believe me til I showed him lol. Gizmo is definitely a fruit eater and will eat some veggies. Lacey is the veggie eater and not much for fruit lol. I am hoping they teach each other to eat different things. It's unanimous they both like apples. Gizmo will eat some veggies cooked but not raw and that's pretty much how it goes with Lacey.

Gizmo is still pretty much afraid of anyone who visits, but Lacey seems to enjoy company now. It's weird, she used to be the same way with visitors lol. Anyway, I'm starting to ramble... Have a nice day all