Hey there! I decided to join this forum because I'm extremely interested in getting a lovie. I've done quite a fair bit of research but nothing is better than asking people with hands on experience. I'd really love some input, advice and maybe links that will help me out.

So far I know about the diet, cage requirements (getting this one most likely -
https://www.amazon.com/Vision-Bird-C.../dp/B0012DOXEI ), time/attention required (seems akin to the amount a dog or even small child needs), life span, sounds they make and some behavioral things/issues from looking around the forums here.

The biggest questions for everyone here is if my home will suit a lovie. I have never in my life owned a bird. But I think I'm ready for the challenge. I work from home with my two well behaved cats (one is old and the other is a declawed male), they are quite trainable and listen quite well to me. I have a boyfriend/partner I live with who works outside of the home for 8 hours, sometimes longer. I also live in an apartment. The most time we spend out of the house is 5 to 6 hours and that's only on weekends.

Secondary questions would be, what type is the best to get (I hear peach faces are the sweeter ones), and is it ok to take Lovies on day trips/outings? I'd love to bring my bird with me when I go out if possible, keeping in mind predators and the like.

Thank you for reading! And thank you for any help! <3