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Thread: New Lovebird in the House!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default New Lovebird in the House!

    Hello everyone.

    This isn't a question, just a comment on my experience bringing a new lovebird into the home.
    We (my boyfriend and I) already had a lovie, Nibbles. We think--we don't know for sure--that he's a he and an older bird. He's had problems with seizures, and he's kind of fraile, slow, and sleeps alot. I've had 2 vets look at him but they couldn't find anything. But he's the most cuddly and affectionate bird.
    In fact, it's getting this new bird--who is NOT tame at all--that's make us realize how special Nibbles is. We've had him (Nibs) about 8 or 9 months, and it was a little hard at first, but now he trusts us completely. We're his mates.
    This new bird is absolutely on the other end of the scale. He (or she?) is bird oriented, and when we first brought him home, he tried to get close to Nibbles. But Nibbles doesn't like the new bird! He tries to bite him when he gets to close--just like he does with strange people.
    It's funny to see the interaction between a bird's-bird and a people's-bird. They've talked to eachother now and then, but not much. I guess this forces the new bird to learn to be independent, and to turn to people more for his social needs.
    He sure is cute though!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia, Canada

    Default Re: New Lovebird in the House!

    Congrats on your new baby, and I am thinking maybe your new "boy" may be a "girl". The females tend to be less people-oriented (in my experience anyways). Would love to see pictures

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